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Dental Anxiety in Paradise Valley, AZ

We know how difficult dental anxiety can be. That is why we offer calming sedation and the attention of a caring team.

Dental anxiety is a real problem in America. It is especially troublesome when you decide to skip needed treatments just to avoid the dental office, a habit that has long-term consequences for your health and your smile.

That’s why our office offers dental sedation in Phoenix, AZ. With relaxation options available to you, Dr. Cavendish and his team can help you overcome your fears and have a fantastic dentist appointment.

If you have been struggling to schedule your next dentist appointment, call 602-835-1304 to speak with Dr. Cavendish and his team. You will soon discover how fear-free dentistry can be.

Free Virtual Dental Consultation in Phoenix, AZ

Woman smiling after overcoming anxiety with dental sedation in Northern Phoenix, AZ

Relieve Anxiety & Stress with Dental Sedation

Dental sedation (also known as sedation dentistry) is the use of medicine to help you relax. When you are nervous, your body is tense. That can make it harder for Dr. Cavendish to deliver treatments.

For example, if you need a dental crown placed to repair a damaged tooth, you might have trouble staying still or keeping your mouth open if you’re full of anxiety and worry. Plus, the more anxiety you feel during a dental visit, the less likely you are to keep future appointments.

But in the end, you are the primary concern. If you are anxious or dreading your appointment, dental sedation can help you feel calm, comfortable, and worry-free.

Know Your Options

Dr. Cavendish has extensive education and training. He has investigated lots of options, and over the years, he has found oral medication to be the best form of dental sedation. These are pills you take that quickly melt away anxiety and concerns. They induce a deep relaxed state. You will most likely stay awake during your treatments, but you’ll be so relaxed that it won’t bother you.

Get Comfortable in the Dental Chair

Medicine definitely helps ease stress and anxiety, but so can the right people. At our Phoenix, AZ dental office, we worked hard to find just the right team. Everyone here is nurturing, friendly, and empathetic. From the first “Hello!” when you walk in the door to the last “Goodbye!” as you leave, you will be treated like you’re a member of our family. That’s because, to us, you are family.

These days, lots of people feel rushed. It’s like we’re constantly running from a meeting to a conference to home and so on. It sure would be nice to take some time for yourself, wouldn’t it? You can get that with a longer dental appointment. If you’re worried about feeling rushed through a given treatment, these longer visits can help you feel less stressed.

Sideline Your Dental Fear for Good

Sometimes, simply not knowing what’s going to happen is the cause of your concern. Fear of the unknown is a big factor contributing to dental anxiety. When it comes to medicine and dentistry, you might also be worrying about side effects.

We understand these concerns at our Phoenix, AZ dental office. That’s why Dr. Matthew Cavendish and our team will thoroughly explain your options for dental treatment, including any potential side effects.

To learn more about how dental sedation can help you relax or to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Matthew Cavendish, call us today at 602-835-1304 or fill out our online form.



Dental Video Consultation in Phoenix, AZ